My new novel, THE BIG GUILT, is ready for pre-order! 

Officially due out on April 17, 2025.

A divorced mother of two falls in love with her brother’s girlfriend. Wait ‘til her conservative, Polish American family finds out. The pierogis are about to hit the fan!

(The cover reminds me of an ’80s sitcom, which I kind of love!)

About My Books

Note to readers: No two of my books are alike. But they all have some common themes: humor, angst, and having the courage to be who you are no matter the consequences.

A couple of warnings: One reader kept throwing one of these books down in frustration, but picked it up again because she had to know what happened next. Another reader contacted me to let me know that, in the middle of the night, she was unable to stop thinking about the women in Hurricane Days. So, readers, or if this were Bridgerton, “gentle readers,” just know that you’ve been warned about the emotional upheaval some of these books may cause.

The Comfortable Shoe Diaries

BEL-ComfortableShoeDiaries_2A comedy. A love story. All those things you may have thought about, but never said out loud. . .Get your copy of The Comfortable Shoe Diaries today!

Sydney Gray worries. In fact, she is excellent at it. So when she loses her house, job and credit score she ought to have been prepared. But she never imagined it could all happen at once—or that she’d be single too.

Out of the lesbian dating scene for three presidents, Sydney is wary of Ellie Hundersson from the start. Too interesting, too lovely and too…everything. Determined to fail, Sydney discovers Ellie does have big secrets, giving her the perfect excuse to do what she does best: run.

Filled with foibles of modern lesbian life, Renée J. Lukas’s debut romance is a love story about getting it all wrong on the way to finding what feels right.

  • “I read The Comfortable Shoe Diaries in 24 hours. I couldn’t put it down.”
    –Michele Nugent
  • “I absolutely LOVED the book, The Comfortable Shoe Diaries! (It) had me laughing out loud so much. . . It was freakin’ hilarious! I was reading parts of it to my wife so she could hear what I was laughing at.”
    –Chris Paynter

Hurricane Days

Hurricane Days coverTwo college girls. Two very different paths.

Just in time for the new election cycle comes a novel that gives new meaning to having a skeleton in your closet. Hurricane Days, my second novel, is about a GOP rock star who’s about to seal up her party’s nomination when a shocking blast from her past threatens to destroy everything.

Fans of the beloved ‘80s show, Designing Women, may see a little “Julia Sugarbaker” in Governor Robin Sanders, the polar opposite of her secret love, Adrienne Austen, the wild musician who never could play by the rules.

Governor Robin Sanders is the conservative Georgia darling of the upcoming Republican presidential primary. The daughter of a state legislator, Robin is running on a traditional values platform. The governor’s skeletons are buried so deeply that even the media hasn’t been able to uncover them—until now. Poised for victory, a breaking scandal threatens not only her election chances but everything she’s worked toward for years.

Adrienne Austen was Robin’s college roommate, best friend and lover. Now a successful out-and-proud musician, Adrienne has watched Governor Sanders’ rise to fame with increasing irritation.

Before the final debate, a dramatic reunion between Robin and Adrienne leads to shocking revelations. The two nearly destroyed each other once. Can they survive these new Hurricane Days?

  • “(Hurricane Days) is masterfully written …keeps you on the edge of your seat until the last few pages.” –Anna Furtado, The Lambda Literary Review
  • “I greatly appreciated Ms. Lukas’s latest book, Hurricane Days. I found it so original between the first-person narrative and the actual story of the character’s life. I’m always fascinated by Lukas’s narrative skills and psychological insight into the characters, so different from the usual clichés.” –Liliana Minore, Milan, Italy
  • “I have just spent two days reading your new book Hurricane Days. Amazing read. Really loved the book.” –Conchita F.
  • “This is another good one, folks. It’s hot, stormy, and packs a wallop.” –Medora M.
  • “Not to be missed. A very compelling story of first love/coming out and being from a Southern political family. ” (five stars) –Karen

Southern Girl

Southern Girl

A gripping, classic tale of one girl’s journey to self-discovery. . .with some surprises.

Southern Girl has made the list of Top 10 Books of 2016 at The Lesbian Review!

Two high school girls fall in love in a small Tennessee town–and one of them is the daughter of the town’s most prominent preacher. Get ready. Things are about to get very complicated. . .

“Had me gripped and reading it through in only two sittings. Highly recommended.” -Kym Palmer,  Rainbow Book Reviews

“Hits it out of the park.” – The Lesbrary

“A beautiful book – I loved it. Lukas managed to do what authors will spend a lifetime attempting to do–she wrote a perfect novel. I wouldn’t change a word.” — Sheena, The Lesbian Review

Check out the full review of Southern Girl from The Lesbian Review.

In Her Eyes


Rolling Stone is about to get the scoop of a lifetime.

Rock star icon Adrienne Austen finally wants to tell her story, including what happened between her and former Governor Robin Sanders. Rumors of an affair with Adrienne sent Robin into hiding, but the publicity did nothing to diminish Adrienne’s continued rise to fame with her band, Eye of the Storm.

Is Adrienne the bad girl we were led to believe and what was her part in Robin’s disappearance? Find out the answers in this revealing sequel to the best-selling
Hurricane Days.
  • “(I was) glued to the pages, wishing there were more!” (five stars)– Laetitia Vermeulen