
Why We Need Southern Girl Now More Than Ever

 by Renée Lukas A group of teens getting together to talk about their crushes is typically no big deal. But for one hour every Saturday, it was an act of great courage for a group of teens I once knew. LGBT and questioning teens. Several years ago I’d volunteered to be a facilitator for an [...]

2019-06-17T19:11:40+00:00June 17th, 2019|Renee's World|

A Word about The L Word

by Renée Lukas With news of an L Word reboot, it might be a good idea to revisit what happened the first time around—and talk frankly about it. Nothing sent my lesbian heart aflutter more than the news that there would be a show devoted completely to lesbians, that I could finally watch a drama [...]

2019-05-15T16:20:39+00:00May 15th, 2019|Book, TV and Movie Reviews|

Screenwriters Over 40

by Renée Lukas (In a previous blog I mentioned how hard it can be for writers approaching middle age to steer their career in the right direction. Today’s topic: screenwriting.) As Tom Hanks said in A League of Their Own, “If it was easy everyone would do it.” Some careers feel more like a calling. [...]

2019-04-17T15:50:37+00:00April 17th, 2019|Writing Tips|

What Middle Age Really Means for Writers

by Renée Lukas  Me at my first book signing I’ve always defined myself by what I do. I’m a writer. I can’t imagine retiring. In fact, I expect to have a notebook in my hand on my deathbed. Imagine how unsettling it is to realize I’m in middle age and wondering about—and still working toward—the [...]

2019-04-11T14:47:09+00:00April 11th, 2019|Writing Tips|

What Season 4 of Breaking Bad Can Teach Writers

by Renée J. Lukas I just finished all five seasons of Breaking Bad. As I am with many TV shows and movies, I was late to the party. So yes, I just discovered this Emmy award-winning show long after all the hoopla. But better late than never! If there’s one thing the show Breaking Bad [...]

2018-07-26T19:51:26+00:00July 26th, 2018|Book, TV and Movie Reviews|

Reasons for Rejection: The Truth Behind the “No”

 by Renée J. Lukas It’s the bane of every writer’s existence: “Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it doesn’t meet our needs at this time.” It’s so vague! You wonder, what exactly didn’t meet their needs? Why don’t they say: “Your main character isn’t likeable,” or “You really use the word ‘really’ too much”? They [...]

2018-08-07T13:30:37+00:00March 13th, 2018|Writing Tips|
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